The human DNA has 23 pairs of chromosomes making 46 in total which carry the genes that determine our inherited characteristics. Any difference in the number of chromosomes causes a genetic disorder or possible disease for a lifetime. One example of a genetic disorder is DOWN`S SYNDROME which was discovered by John Langdon Down in 1866.Down`s Syndrome is caused by the 21st pair of chromosomes having an extra one which can be discovered during pregnancy or at birth. These children are both physically and mentally affected. They grow less and have slightly slanted eyes. The name "mongol" probably came about due to their likeness to the people of Mongolia. They have speaking and learning difficulties and a shorter lifespan.
So far this syndrome is irreversible and a child`s development can only be improved with special education and a loving home environment. Maybe in the future with genetic engineering, the chromosomes can be manipulated and the syndrome avoided in the foetus (feto).

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