Anorexia is an eating disorder that occurs mainly in teenagers girls. But it can also occur in teenage boys, and adult women and men. Ballet dancers, models and gymnasts are more likely to be anorexic.
Anorexia is when a person loses a lot of weight because he/she thinks that is he or she is very fat and he/she doesn’t want to be fat.
Normally anorexic people start leaving carbohydrates out of his meals because people think that they are what makes you put on weight, but they are not. Then they leave out the fats, the proteins and even the liquids creating cases of dehydration. Then they start taking laxatives,vomiting, diuretics and doing a excess of sport.
Also anorexia is related with psychological problems that change the behaviour of the person.
There is a difference between anorexia and bulimia. Bulimic people eat a lot and then they punish themselves by vomiting to take out of the body the food that the ate before. And anorexic people only the loose weight by not eating.
Fashion is responible for the problem of anorexia, because people try to be a size 32 or 34 like the models. Now a days the models are putting on weight because they forced to do it.
But there are other psychological factors that make a person being anorexic like the death of a member of the family or a friend, divorce of the parents, dropping down of their marks at school, accidents…
Usually the family is the one that detect the cases of anorexia because the people who have it are always worried about the calories in food, have a constant cold sensation, have an obsession with their image and the bathroom scale, and in the women stop having periods.
The treatment of the anorexia is to make the person put on weight in a short period of time and to treat it psychologically.
If you have anorexia, bulimia or another eating disorder, tell someone about it because you are risking your life if you hide behind silence and at any moment it could be too late.
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