Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Tissues (cornea, bone marrow, skin...) and organs (kidneys, heart, liver, lungs, pancreas...) can be transplanted. But it has to be analysed to know that the transplant will be compatible, making sure that a transplant rejection may not happen.

There are different types of transplants, like autograft, a transplant of tissue from one to oneself, sometimes it's done with tissue that can regenerate. Or xenograft, a transplant from one species to another. The most common transplant of human tissue and organ is allograft, transplantation of an organ or tissue from a genetically non-identical member of the same species.

The first successful kidney transplant was in 1954. And the first heart transplant was in 1967. There is an urgent need for tissues and organs for transplantation. There is a person added to the donor waiting list every 12 minutes and 16 people die each day waiting for an organ transplantation.

Skin tissue that can be transplanted.


Jim has a broken fan belt on his car. The belt goes around 2 pulleys, whose centers are 15 cm apart, and each pulley is 4 cm in diameter. How long should the belt be?

Monday, October 29, 2007


Anyone who has listened to the news the last few days must have heard about the forest fires devastating San Diego at present.
There are two types of fires. Those that are provoked by pyromaniacs and those which are caused by nature.
The fires are advancing due to the windy conditions. This has caused already two deaths and the evacuation of millions of people. The firefighters are working day and night together with special aeroplanes to try and extinguish the flames. The fires are so intense that the smoke from them can be seen on the satellite pictures from kilometres above the earth´s surface. How sad it is to see people returning to their homes and finding that they have lost their houses and all their possessions.

Sunday, October 28, 2007


After an exciting race, the finnish Kimi Raikonnen got the F1 world championship although he hardly had any possibility to win.
The Spanish Fernando Alonso who had some possibilities to win, has been third and cannot get, what could be, his third F1 world title.
Finally, the British Louis Hamilton, the pilot with more possibilities, got the worst position, and with a 7th position in the race and 3rd in the general classification, has disappointed a lot of people in the United Kingdom and in Mclaren Mercedes.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

The News

We start a new section in the English class - The News.
Every fortnight a student will write a comment or a report about what is going on in the world. It can be a local, national or international piece of news and about any topic: economy, politics, sport, science, art and culture, environment, etc.
This will be "the class paper-on-line".
We invite you to have a look at it and see what is what attracts the students' attention, and feel free to write your comments on the news.

Solution to the Fish Tank Problem.

As the 60 cm edge is always horizontal, we can forget about it and reduce the problem to a two-dimensional question. When the tank is tilted the water shape against the front wall forms a triangle. When the tank is at rest upon its base the water shape is a rectangle. To keep constant the water volume the triangle and the rectangle must have the same area, thus:

area rectangle = area triangle
from the problem data:

100·water height = (40·50)/2


water height = (40·50)/(2·100) = 10

all units are expressed in cm so the answer will be 10 cm.

Congratulations Jonathan!!!

Transplant of tissues

Transplant of tissues
The transplation of tissues was doing for many years ago.
Not all tissues can be transplated.
The types of tissues that can be transplated are :
- corneas : can be transplated to provide the gift of sight ;
- skin tissues : can be transplated for example to the people with the skin critically burned ;
- cardiovascular tissue : may be transplated to restore compromised blood circulation;
- can be transplated to , bone and some musculoskeletal as the ligaments , and for atlets injuries .
Today can be doing , I think different kinds of transplants and would come a day when can be transplated all types of tissues , organs , to cure the illness or the injuries .

Friday, October 26, 2007

Solution to the Maths problem

First thing to do, is to half the length of the fish tank so that the water reaches exactly half of the newly formed cube. We then find out the volume of the cube, and we know that we have exactly, half the volume of the cube. To find the volume we multiply all 3 sides in metres (0.4m, 0.5m & 0.6m) which gives us 0,12cubic metres. Half will be the volume we have (ie, 0.06cubic metres).
As we know that 1cubic metre is 1000 litres of liquid, we know that 0,06cubic metres is 60 litres.
Now that we know the amount of water in out cube, we can resolve the new equation with the only unknow details as the height of the water.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Funciones de la imagen

Los criterios que debemos emplear para definir una imagen son:

a).- Considerarla como un mensaje en forma de signo visual

b).- Es un reflejo o una reproducción de un momento de la realidad

c).- No entender a la imagen como una realidad, sino como una representación del autor de la imagen de una parte de ella.

La imagen representa ideas o formas en la mente del ser humano.

Es un soporte que transmite mensajes.

La imagen es parte fundamental de la cultura visual.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Alvar Aalto 1898-1976

Viipuri Public Library 1933-35

The major technical innovation Aalto introduced at Viipuri was a mechanical ventilation system that provided fresh air via ducts buried in the walls., throughout what was effectively, a sealed building. This was surprisingly advanced for the time. At the detailed level, the building is notable for the extensive use of timber finishes, a decided novelty to which his friend


An orthoedric fish tank measures 100 cm long, 60 cm, 40 cm deep. When tilted to rest on a 60 cm edge, the water level reaches the midpoint of the base as shown in the picture. If we return the tank to the horizontal position, what will be the depth of the water?

Solve this problem and publish the solution. If you are the first to publish a right solution you will get an extra point in your Maths grade.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Biology- A Genetic Disorder

The human DNA has 23 pairs of chromosomes making 46 in total which carry the genes that determine our inherited characteristics. Any difference in the number of chromosomes causes a genetic disorder or possible disease for a lifetime. One example of a genetic disorder is DOWN`S SYNDROME which was discovered by John Langdon Down in 1866.

Down`s Syndrome is caused by the 21st pair of chromosomes having an extra one which can be discovered during pregnancy or at birth. These children are both physically and mentally affected. They grow less and have slightly slanted eyes. The name "mongol" probably came about due to their likeness to the people of Mongolia. They have speaking and learning difficulties and a shorter lifespan.

So far this syndrome is irreversible and a child`s development can only be improved with special education and a loving home environment. Maybe in the future with genetic engineering, the chromosomes can be manipulated and the syndrome avoided in the foetus (feto).

Monday, October 15, 2007

Ley de la figura-fondo

Esta ley establece que en el proceso de percepción, existe una tendencia a fijar la atención sobre una figura o un grupo de objetos, antes que sobre el fondo.

La ley se basa en los principios de la Gestalt, que utiliza a la percepción como un proceso integral que posibilita que los elementos individuales se organicen en formas y estructuras.

Figura y fondo

Señales de tráfico

Creación de señales de tráfico-
Combinando varias figuras geométricas como triángulos, cuadrados o circulos, y utilizando colores primarios, y utilizando símbolos relacionados con actividades a relaccionar; se puede crear un amplio abanico de señales de tráfico. Se puede crear una señal que simbolice "Peligro, cuidado con el perro", u otras "Prohibido correr", etc.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Comunicación y Lenguaje visual. La Imagen.

En relacción al primer tema refernte a la percepción visual, se ha explicado en clase el proceso perceptivo y así como la teoría de la Gestalt sobre la percepción visual.

Los principios que claramente posibilitan a los elementos individuales organizarse en formas y estructuras son los denominados principios de la percepción.

La Teoría de la Gestalt se basa en las siguientes leyes:

a).- Ley de la figura-fondo, y

b).- Ley de la buena forma o ley de la pregnancia o agrupamiento.

Los trabajos realizados en la clase de 3º D (British) se expondrán en esta página.