Friday, June 22, 2007

Fieldtrip to Gredos

As a culmination of a fantastic school year we, the bilingual team, organized a fieldtrip to Gredos, our beloved mountains, a very good place for enhacing the friendship among the students of the different bilingual classes. It was going to be the first time that 1st, 2nd and 3rd were going to have a fieldtrip together, an "only english spoken" fieldtrip. Do you want to know what happened?, here the pictures go!.

Victor "herding the flock" (just kidding)

1st year students starting the trail

3rd year students at the beginning of the trail

A nice mixture: 1st, 2nd and 3rd year students talking while walking

some veterans of the bilingual project

Jara, Alba, Cristina and Laura try to avoid the mud.
We are already in Prado Pozas.

3rd grade students having lunch.

1st and some 2nd grade students having lunch

Girls from 1st on the rigth, from 3rd on the left,
and Abraham in the middle
Some students stayed at the "Prado de las Pozas", others continued
the hike towards the proposed goal, to reach the "Laguna Grande de Gredos"

Crossing anothe river in our way up to "Barrerones"

Elisabeth and Alba resting once the mission was acomplished.
We are at the Laguna Grande!!

Diego and Aisa eating a deserved sandwich

Cristina, Paula and Ana, resting at the edge of the glacier lake

Other pal is staring at us (Lacerta hispanica)

The group who get to the Laguna Grande

On the summit of Barrerones, from left to right, Aaron
Paula, Ana, Cristina, Rocío, Robert, Fernando and Stanimir

Fernando, Carlos, Diego and Rocio at the Barrerones summit

Rocio trying to get close to a wild female goat

All the group together at the ¨Prado de las Pozas¨
So one more school year is done, and you guys are getting to start the last year of secondary, but before you have to enjoy your summer, so remember, HAVE FUN AND BE NICE!!, see you next september guys!